Posts tagged ‘house plans’

December 30th, 2012

A House in a Hill


When I designed the first story of this house I was thinking about the advantages (and disadvantages) of underground houses. While not actually underground, this house is set in a hillside for the warmth, so useful in this cold climate I live in, while still being open on three sides for plenty of light.
What did I end up liking the best about this plan? The outside porches and the way it seems all tucked away! The thing I liked least was the huge long living room at the end but that would be very nice for parties…

April 8th, 2012

Small, dark, not so handsome

Just recently I have done a bunch of plans that I am not really in love with, this being a very good example of them. The enormous study is a waste, the combined dining room/living room is not really my thing, I don’t like the fireplace on the outside wall and the house will be dark. So I’m sitting here singing, the Christine Lavine song that goes, “What was I thinking? What was I blind? I must have been completely out of mind…”

March 14th, 2012

Mouse House

A smaller house- 20′ x 30′. Big Pantry! 6″ wide interior walls.

February 26th, 2012

T house with central fireplace

First Floor:

I saw a similar house once in a house book and here it is- half remembered from long ago and changed. I loved the T shape with all the windows around each room and the centrally located fireplace.

Second Floor:

T house second floor

I love the laundry centrally located and near the bedrooms. I also love the hall linen closet and the book shelves by the toilet. The big second bedroom is to accommodate my daughter’s trampoline and gym equipment.

January 15th, 2012

The Cottage 2, 1st floor only

I’ve been thinking and talking to people about the last plan. T suggested it might be good if the living room was larger- I decided to make it bigger to the right so it wouldn’t block the bathroom window. C suggested putting the front door over so it would go in through an existing window instead of through supporting walls, a very fine idea :). I decided to move the bathroom door so it wouldn’t be right in front of you when you first came into the front hall.

January 15th, 2012

The Cottage

This is a proposed renovation to a Cottage in Maine. The front door used to come in through the diningroom, and there also used to be a back entry off of the kitchen door. Parking is closest to the new proposed front porch. Hum… I noticed that I forgot to put in most of the windows…

First floor:

I extended the 2nd floor to be above the kitchen and gave it walls. This provided a sound barrier (you couldn’t do anything in the original house without everyone else knowing) and helped provide support for the southern wall (It flexes alarmingly in the winter winds)

Second Floor:

December 24th, 2011

Lilly House

Lilly House 1st floor

This house design is created for a house site in Maine that is on a hill that slopes down east/northeast. The entrance is to the north/northwest. Thus the courtyard is created to be warm and sunny a good part of the day.

Lilly House 2nd floor


In these versions I was working on creating pools of light at the end of corridors to draw the eye.