Archive for February, 2012

February 27th, 2012

A New Fashioned House

I was warding off a cold that had hit Eva full force this week. In addition to Vitamin C and Echinacea, I checked out of my library Craftsman Homes: More than 40 Plans for Building Classic Arts & Crafts-Style Cottages, Cabins, and Bungalows by Gustav Stickley. I found myself drooling over “An Old-Fashioned House”. Would it be a sacrilege to say I wanted to stray a wee bit from the master?  At least in the area of a downstairs W.C. and a few other items that are dear to my heart. I have the raw sketch I made that I’ll put up for your consideration but at some point I’ll clean it up and add a second story. I promise.

Here is Gustav’s version:

First Floor:

Second Floor:

And my version:

The secret room is my office/guest room. One thing I love, butler’s pantries- there is something so yummy about them- I wonder if I would like it as much in real life. Ah well, who cares about real life anyway! :P

One thing I was sad to lose is the veranda- it is seriously drool worthy.

February 26th, 2012

T house with central fireplace

First Floor:

I saw a similar house once in a house book and here it is- half remembered from long ago and changed. I loved the T shape with all the windows around each room and the centrally located fireplace.

Second Floor:

T house second floor

I love the laundry centrally located and near the bedrooms. I also love the hall linen closet and the book shelves by the toilet. The big second bedroom is to accommodate my daughter’s trampoline and gym equipment.